Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £721.23 inc vat
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Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 36 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 35 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 35
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £728.34 inc vat
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Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £745.32 inc vat
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Brand New Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 36 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 35 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 35
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £2254.14 inc vat
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Brand New Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 36 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment 35 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 35
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £766.68 inc vat
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Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £769.62 inc vat
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NO DEPOSIT Approved Used Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
No Deposit then 48 Monthly Repayments
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Deals like this
» Payment Options:
0 + 48
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : No Deposit
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Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £790.02 inc vat
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Approved Used Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £2375.82 inc vat
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Brand New Volkswagen Passat Lease Deal
Based on 24 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 23 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Volkswagen Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 23
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental : £2480.13 inc vat
More Lease Options |
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44 Volkswagen Passat lease deals! |
Why choose Time4Leasing for your Volkswagen Passat lease?
Discover the convenience and affordability of leasing a Volkswagen Passat with Time4Leasing. Our friendly expert team and flexible leasing options make us the top choice for your automotive needs.
When searching for your next lease, look no further than Time4Leasing. We accept individuals that have good and poor credit, so you can get behind the wheel of your dream car without any worries.
Our exclusive Volkswagen Passat deals and lower rates make us the top choice for your leasing
needs. Plus, our selection of good quality vehicles will ensure a smooth and
enjoyable driving experience. And the best part? No deposit is required on selected deals. Choose
Time4Leasing for a hassle-free and affordable leasing experience.
Applying with us will not affect your credit score and our services are totally free! Apply today and we will send you
a free quote proposal tailored to your needs.
Popular Options
Volkswagen Passat Leasing
Finance Options
Return Vehicle
Extra Miles
Return or Own
Lease then option to buy by paying
deferred balloon payment, return car or part exchange with a guaranteed future
Own Vehicle
Hire then you get to own the vehicle at end of the
finance agreement and you can drive unlimited free miles
Return Vehicle
Vehicle must be returned at the end of the contract
hire. Suitable for businesses with good credit history
Car Finance
With over 200 car finance lending options, choose a
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Why lease a Volkswagen Passat ?
The Volkswagen Passat Saloon is a popular choice among car enthusiasts who are interested in both performance and style. With its sleek design and powerful engine, it has become a sought after vehicle in the market. However, buying a new Passat Saloon can be a heavy investment for some individuals, which is why car leasing has become a popular alternative.
Car leasing is a financing method that allows individuals to drive their dream car without having to pay the full amount upfront. In the case of the Passat Saloon, individuals can lease the vehicle at a competitive monthly rate for a fixed period of time, usually between 2 to 5 years. At the end of the lease, they can either return the car or buy it at a reduced price.
Leasing a Passat Saloon provides a number of benefits that make it an appealing option for customers. Firstly, the initial down payment for the lease is significantly lower compared to purchasing the car outright. As a result, individuals can afford to drive a car with a higher value than if they were to buy it.
Furthermore, leasing allows individuals to avoid the burden of depreciation. One of the biggest drawbacks of owning a car is its value decreasing over time. With leasing, individuals do not need to worry about the car's resale value, as they will not be responsible for selling it. This gives them more peace of mind and allows them to focus on enjoying the driving experience of the Passat Saloon.
Another benefit of leasing a Passat Saloon is the flexibility it offers. Customers have the option to choose the duration of their lease, customizing it to fit their financial situation and their needs. This is especially useful for those who need a car for a short period of time or are unsure about committing to a long-term car ownership.
Leasing also comes with the benefit of lower monthly payments compared to financing. Customers pay for the depreciation of the car during the time of their lease, instead of the full value of the vehicle. This results in more affordable monthly payments, making the Passat Saloon accessible to a wider range of individuals.
Moreover, leasing a Passat Saloon also means that individuals do not need to worry about the cost of maintenance and repairs. Most lease agreements include a manufacturer's warranty, which covers any issues that may arise during the lease period. This saves customers from unexpected repair costs and provides them with peace of mind knowing that their car is protected.
In addition to these benefits, car leasing also offers the opportunity to upgrade to a new model every few years. As the lease period comes to an end, customers can return their leased Passat Saloon and lease a new one with the latest features and technology. This gives individuals the chance to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the automotive industry without the hassle of selling or trading in their old car.
In conclusion, the Volkswagen Passat Saloon is a stylish and high-performing car that has captured the hearts of many car enthusiasts. With its numerous benefits, car leasing has become a popular way to drive this luxurious vehicle without paying the full amount upfront. From its low initial down payment to flexible lease terms and access to the latest models, leasing a Passat Saloon is a smart and convenient choice for those looking to drive a top-of-the-line vehicle.
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Another Happy Time4Leasing
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There are 44 Volkswagen Passat Lease Deals on Offer.
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